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Corona partial discharge caused by insulator damage and wire aging
Release time:2023.05.17  |  Number of views:604

XXX Power Supply Company of Southern Power Grid


During daily inspections, an acoustic imager was used to detect discharge at the top of the C-phase porcelain bottle tied to the top of the 10kV XXX special transformer drop type fuse, and obvious discharge signals were detected on site. The positioning point and discharge position are shown above, and the maximum ultrasonic amplitude measured is 25,34dB. After careful observation with a high-definition camera, it was found that there is obvious damage to the porcelain bottle around the binding line of the C-phase porcelain bottle wire (the top of the porcelain bottle is damaged), and there are obvious discharge marks caused by partial discharge at the wire. The discharge reason may be due to the porcelain bottle being damaged or the equipment running for a long time, The aging of the insulation around the binding wire leads to a decrease in the insulation performance at the connection, resulting in discharge.



Case recommendation