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G20 Acoustic Online Monitoring Module

Automatic analysis and processing of acoustic signals

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G20 is an online acoustic monitoring device that collects acoustic signals sent by machines and equipment, and analyzes the frequency spectrum, time domain, amplitude and other parameters of these signals through Analysis of algorithms to determine whether the machine is in normal operation or has abnormal fluctuations.

Product Advantages


By using acoustic monitoring technology and high-precision monitoring of acoustic signals, most abnormal situations can be sensed.

High sensitivity

The system has high sensitivity and can detect small acoustic signals, with accurate and reliable monitoring data.

Low latency

By real-time monitoring and analysis of acoustic signals, abnormal situations can be detected and warned in a timely manner.


By automatically analyzing and processing acoustic signals, the informatization and intelligence of acoustic signals are achieved, reducing monitoring costs and manpower investment.

Easy to operate

The system is easy to operate, easy to master, and can achieve remote monitoring, making it convenient and practical.


  • Acoustic monitoring

    High precision monitoring of acoustic signals and timely response.

  • Data acquisition

    Automatically collect monitoring data, analyze and process the data, and generate effective monitoring reports and analysis results.

  • Remote Monitoring

    Operate and manage through remote monitoring to improve management efficiency and monitoring accuracy.

  • Real-time monitor

    Real time monitoring and analysis of acoustic signals enables timely detection and early warning of abnormal situations.

  • Analysis

    Automatic analysis and processing of acoustic signals enables information and intelligent monitoring, reducing monitoring costs and manpower investment.

  • Data export

    The MS860 acoustic online monitoring system can export monitoring data and reports, making it convenient for users to conduct in-depth analysis and research.

Application Scenario

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